Why choose diode laser?

Why choose diode laser?

They are the most common laser type today because they also offer lower cost of ownership, a wider range of output wavelength (color) and power options, compact and durable packaging, and superior performance compared to other laser types. (Transistor) Reliability. No matter how you slice it, there are many advantages.

What happens if you use a Pico laser regularly?

One of the most common signs of too much laser exposure is super-sensitive red skin. If you overuse the laser, your skin may not have time to recover and become more sensitive, leading to other more widespread problems such as hyperpigmentation.


含有視黃醇的韓國護膚品能促進細胞更新,疏通毛孔. 它們有助於縮小毛孔,保持皮膚光滑.

Is PicoPlus better than PicoSure?

All of these effectively treat skin pigmentation with minimal downtime. However, PicoPlus and PicoWay use a compound called Nd:YAG to generate the laser beam, while PicoSure uses Alexandrite laser technology. PicoSure also comes with An additional focusing lens array is included, but more on that later.

Can diode laser engrave plastic?

Yes, diode lasers can be used to cut plastic. Although low-power diode lasers are better suited for engraving plastic materials, they can also be used to cut very thin sheets of opaque plastic multiple times.皮秒激光


At the beginning of the course, treatments should be repeated every 28/30 days. Towards the end, depending on individual results, sessions may be conducted every 60 days. ellanse 效果

What are corrective contact lenses?

矯正鏡片是佩戴在眼睛前面或眼睛上的鏡片,主要用於治療近視,遠視,散光和老花等屈光不正. 矯正鏡片的設計是為了幫助你的眼睛將光線正確地聚焦到視網膜上,這樣你就能看得清楚.<FC-25fe92d082f61c77404b35818563901b>Mioggi 生命水

Can I leave bio-oil on my face overnight?

你也可以使用生物油後你的保濕霜,如果你喜歡加油後. Rabach博士補充道:[你可以在洗完後每天使用兩次,然後過夜.".

What skin care products should I avoid after laser?

After surgery, your skin will be sensitive and you may feel some irritation. Avoid any irritants that may harm your skin. Do not use active ingredients such as alpha-hydroxy acids, beta-hydroxy acids, or retinol. Also, while the skin is healing , avoid direct sunlight or ultraviolet radiation.


制糖是相當安全的,但也有一些人應該先諮詢醫生. 如果你正在服用抗生素,激素替代藥物,激素節育,Accutane或類視黃醇,請諮詢醫生.